Production of activated carbon

Activated carbon is a black powder made from bone char, coconut shell, peat, petroleum coke, coal, sawdust, etc. Activated carbon is formed when coal is pressurized at very high temperatures. At high temperatures, the internal structure of carbon changes. In such a way that the size of its pores decreases and its surface increases.

 The structure of this material is completely hollow and it is available in the form of powder and granules. Each of them is used for different applications according to their conditions. This chemical has a lattice-like appearance, where carbon atoms formed a set of rigid skeletal channels in irregular layers. These models were placed on top of each other in a non-parallel manner. Because of this, many cracks and protrusions with high porosity can be observed between the carbon layers.

Activated carbon is used to purify water and air. Active carbon has a very favorable performance in absorbing metal and fluoride content in water. Other applications of activated carbon include improving the color and taste of fruit juices in food factories, separating carbohydrates in chemical industries, using in agricultural and horticultural pesticides, and using in various industries such as leather, gold recycling, solvent recycling, etc.

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